How do you get the most out of your cannabis medicine?

After years of rehabilitation using medicinal cannabis, some of us have found a good balance to keep functional during the day and sleep well at nigh. Cannabis has helped form a platform from witch to heal. For many of us, food and routine has become the medicine, every one percenter has helped me repair the injuries accrued over 16 years of military service, followed by 5 years on polypharmacy cocktails.

Previous prescribed treatments:

400mg Tramadol daily for pain

  • Tolerance and Dependence: Needing more over time, becoming addicted.

  • Opioid Addiction: Developing a strong need for the drug.

  • Withdrawal Symptoms: Feeling sick when stopping.

  • Breathing Problems: Slowed or shallow breathing.

  • Drowsiness and Dizziness: Feeling sleepy and unsteady.

  • Serotonin Syndrome: Dangerous confusion and rapid heart rate.

  • Seizures: Higher risk of sudden, uncontrollable movements.

  • Heart and Blood Pressure: Changes in heart rate and pressure.

  • Stomach Issues: Nausea, constipation, and pain.

  • Interaction Risks: Bad reactions with other medications.

1000mg Naprosyn Anti-inflammatory

  • Stomach Problems: Risk of ulcers, bleeding, and stomach pain.

  • Kidney Issues: Possible harm to kidney function.

  • Heart Risks: Increased chance of heart problems.

  • Bleeding: Higher tendency for bleeding, especially internally.

  • Allergic Reactions: Possibility of severe allergic responses.

  • Liver Concerns: Potential impact on liver health.

  • Skin Reactions: Risk of skin issues like rashes.

  • Fluid Retention: Swelling due to fluid buildup.

  • High Blood Pressure: Potential elevation of blood pressure.

  • Interaction Risks: Interference with other medications.

Amitriptyline SSRI for depression and PTSD

  • Side Effects: Possibility of various side effects like nausea, sleep problems, and headaches.

  • Sexual Issues: Risk of decreased libido and difficulty achieving orgasm.

  • Serotonin Syndrome: Rare but serious condition if too much serotonin builds up.

  • Withdrawal Symptoms: Experiencing discomfort if stopping suddenly.

  • Weight Changes: Chance of weight gain or loss.

  • Interaction Risks: Interference with other medications or supplements.

  • Suicidal Thoughts: Small increase in risk, especially when starting treatment.

  • Bleeding Problems: Slightly higher tendency for bleeding.

  • Bone Health: Potential impact on bone density.

  • Pregnancy Considerations: Care needed during pregnancy due to potential effects on the baby.

Diazepam for sleep and Anxiety

  • Dependency: Risk of becoming reliant on the medication.

  • Withdrawal: Unpleasant symptoms if stopped suddenly.

  • Tolerance: Needing higher doses for the same effect over time.

  • Memory and Concentration: Impaired cognitive function and memory.

  • Drowsiness: Feeling excessively tired and groggy.

  • Addiction: Developing a strong psychological need.

  • Reduced Coordination: Difficulty with physical coordination.

  • Neurological Effects: Potential for nerve-related issues.

  • Mood Changes: Possible impact on mental health.

  • Cognitive Decline: Association with long-term cognitive impairment.

  • Interaction Risks: Negative reactions with other medications.

  • Misuse: Potential for recreational misuse and overdose.

Lyrica for nerve pain

  • Dependency: Risk of becoming reliant on the medication.

  • Withdrawal: Unpleasant symptoms and danger of suicide if stopped suddenly.

  • Tolerance: Needing higher doses for the same effect over time.

  • Dizziness: Feeling dizzy or unsteady.

  • Drowsiness: Experiencing excessive tiredness.

  • Weight Gain: Possibility of gaining weight.

  • Memory Issues: Potential impact on cognitive function.

  • Mood Changes: Possible effects on mental health.

  • Vision Changes: Risk of blurred vision or other vision issues.

  • Interaction Risks: Negative reactions with other medications.

  • Misuse: Potential for recreational misuse and overdose.

Nexium for reflux and stomach ulcers

  • Bone Health: Possible risk of weakened bones.

  • Nutritional Deficiencies: Potential for reduced nutrient absorption.

  • Kidney Issues: Rare chance of kidney problems.

  • Stomach Infections: Slight increase in stomach infection risk.

  • Dependency: Reliance on the medication for acid control.

  • Interaction Risks: Negative reactions with other medications.

  • Rebound Acid: Increased acid production if stopped suddenly.

  • C. difficile Infection: Slightly higher risk of this bacterial infection.

  • Allergic Reactions: Possibility of allergic responses.

  • Long-Term Risks: Potential unknown effects with extended use.

Lisinopril for high blood pressure

  • Low Blood Pressure: Possibility of blood pressure dropping too much.

  • Kidney Issues: Rare risk of kidney problems.

  • Hyperkalemia: Elevated levels of potassium in the blood.

  • Cough: Uncommon but potential persistent cough.

  • Angioedema: Rare chance of facial swelling and difficulty breathing.

  • Electrolyte Imbalance: Possible disturbances in body electrolytes.

  • Interaction Risks: Negative reactions with other medications.

  • Allergic Reactions: Possibility of allergic responses.

  • Dizziness: Feeling lightheaded or dizzy.

  • Long-Term Risks: Potential unknown effects with extended use.

Viagra and Cialis for sexual disfunction

  • Cardiovascular Effects: Both medications can lower blood pressure, which might be risky for individuals with certain heart conditions. There have been cases of heart attacks and irregular heartbeats associated with their use.

  • Vision Changes: Some users have reported vision disturbances, such as changes in color vision or blurred vision, while taking these medications.

  • Hearing Loss: There have been rare cases of sudden hearing loss associated with the use of Viagra and Cialis.

  • Priapism: Priapism is a prolonged and painful erection that lasts for more than four hours. It's a rare but serious side effect that requires immediate medical attention to prevent damage to the penis.

  • Interaction with Other Medications: Viagra and Cialis can interact with other medications, particularly nitrates and alpha-blockers, which can lead to serious complications.

  • Headache and Flushing: Common side effects include headache, facial flushing, and nasal congestion.

  • Digestive Issues: Some users may experience gastrointestinal discomfort, such as indigestion or upset stomach.

  • Dizziness and Fainting: These medications can cause a drop in blood pressure, leading to dizziness or fainting, especially when rising from a seated or lying position.

This combination, along with others not mentioned here caused me horrific long term side effects. I was completely dependent on full time care and lived in a constant state of suicidal ideation as my Traumatic Brain Injury and Nervous System Damage worsened.


0.2ml of THC and CBD oil daily

  • Pain Relief: Both THC and CBD have analgesic properties that can help manage various types of pain, including chronic pain, neuropathic pain, and inflammation-related pain.

  • Anti-Inflammatory Effects: CBD and THC are known for their anti-inflammatory properties, which can be particularly beneficial for conditions involving inflammation, such as arthritis or inflammatory bowel diseases.

  • Anxiety and Stress Reduction: CBD has calming effects that may help alleviate anxiety and stress, while THC can also provide relaxation for some individuals. The combination may offer balanced anxiety relief without causing excessive psychoactivity.

  • Sleep Improvement: The combination of THC and CBD can potentially aid in improving sleep quality by promoting relaxation and reducing symptoms of insomnia.

  • Nausea and Vomiting Relief: THC has long been used to help manage nausea and vomiting, especially in patients undergoing chemotherapy. CBD's anti-nausea properties can further enhance this effect.

  • Neurological Disorders: Both THC and CBD show promise in managing symptoms of neurological disorders such as epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, and Parkinson's disease, due to their effects on neural pathways.

  • Appetite Stimulation: THC can stimulate appetite, which can be helpful for individuals with conditions that cause reduced appetite or weight loss.

  • Mood Enhancement: CBD's potential mood-regulating effects, combined with THC's potential euphoria, can contribute to an improved sense of well-being.

  • Combination Synergy: The entourage effect, where the compounds work together synergistically, is often cited as a reason for using a combination of THC and CBD. This can enhance their individual effects and potentially provide more comprehensive relief.

  • Cancer Symptom Management: The combination may help manage symptoms of cancer and cancer treatments, including pain, nausea, and sleep disturbances.

Cocoa powder in hot water and 5 Mushroom Mix (Lions Mane, Chaga, Turkey Tail, Cortrecepts, Matke)

  • Cocoa Powder

    • Antioxidant Rich: Cocoa powder is rich in antioxidants called flavonoids, which help protect cells from damage caused by free radicals and contribute to overall health.

    • Heart Health: Some studies suggest that cocoa consumption may help improve cardiovascular health by reducing blood pressure, improving blood flow, and promoting healthy cholesterol levels.

    • Mood Enhancement: Cocoa contains compounds that can have positive effects on mood and may contribute to feelings of pleasure and relaxation. It can also stimulate the release of endorphins, which are natural mood enhancers.

    • Brain Function: The flavonoids in cocoa may enhance cognitive function and support brain health, potentially improving memory and cognitive performance.

    • Improved Blood Sugar Regulation: Cocoa consumption may help improve insulin sensitivity and glucose metabolism, which can be beneficial for individuals with or at risk of type 2 diabetes.

    • Anti-Inflammatory Effects: The antioxidants in cocoa may have anti-inflammatory properties, which could contribute to reducing inflammation in the body.

    • Skin Health: Some research suggests that cocoa's antioxidants may contribute to healthier skin by protecting against sun damage and improving circulation to the skin.

    • Mineral Content: Cocoa is a source of important minerals such as magnesium, iron, and potassium, which play essential roles in various bodily functions.

    • Weight Management: Cocoa can be incorporated into a balanced diet as a low-calorie flavor enhancer, which may help satisfy sweet cravings and support weight management efforts.

  • Lion's Mane (Hericium erinaceus):

    • Brain Health: Lion's Mane is often associated with potential cognitive benefits. It may support brain health by promoting nerve growth factor (NGF) production, which could enhance memory and cognitive function.

    • Nervous System Support: Lion's Mane may have a positive impact on the nervous system, potentially aiding in the management of conditions like anxiety and depression.

    • Digestive Health: Some studies suggest that Lion's Mane may support gut health and digestion by promoting the growth of beneficial gut bacteria.

  • Chaga (Inonotus obliquus):

    • Antioxidant Properties: Chaga is rich in antioxidants, which can help protect cells from oxidative stress and support overall health.

    • Immune System Support: Chaga may have immune-modulating effects that help the body defend against infections and diseases.

    • Anti-Inflammatory Effects: Chaga's compounds could contribute to reducing inflammation in the body.

  • Turkey Tail (Trametes versicolor):

    • Immune System Support: Turkey Tail is often associated with immune-enhancing properties due to its content of polysaccharides like beta-glucans, which can stimulate immune responses.

    • Cancer Support: Some studies suggest that Turkey Tail may have potential benefits in supporting cancer patients undergoing treatments.

  • Cordyceps (Cordyceps militaris):

    • Energy and Stamina: Cordyceps is believed to enhance energy levels and stamina by improving oxygen utilization and ATP production within cells.

    • Respiratory Support: It may have positive effects on respiratory health and lung function, potentially aiding in conditions like asthma.

    • Athletic Performance: Some research suggests Cordyceps could improve endurance and exercise performance.

  • Maitake (Grifola frondosa):

    • Immune Modulation: Maitake is believed to support the immune system by promoting immune cell activity and enhancing overall immune responses.

    • Blood Sugar Regulation: Some studies suggest Maitake may help regulate blood sugar levels and improve insulin sensitivity.

    • Antioxidant Properties: Maitake contains antioxidants that can contribute to reducing oxidative stress and protecting cells.

Morning Shake with Hulled Hemp Seeds, Turmeric, ginger and fruit

  • Hulled Hemp Seeds

    • Rich Source of Protein: Hemp seeds are a complete protein source, containing all essential amino acids. They can be especially beneficial for vegetarians and vegans looking to increase their protein intake.

    • Healthy Fats: Hemp seeds are high in healthy fats, including omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids in a balanced ratio. These fats are essential for heart health, brain function, and reducing inflammation.

    • Dietary Fiber: Hemp seeds are a good source of dietary fiber, which supports digestion, helps maintain healthy blood sugar levels, and promotes a feeling of fullness.

    • Nutrient-Dense: Hulled hemp seeds are packed with essential nutrients, including vitamins (such as vitamin E), minerals (such as magnesium, phosphorus, and zinc), and antioxidants.

    • Heart Health: The combination of healthy fats, fiber, and antioxidants in hemp seeds can contribute to cardiovascular health by reducing cholesterol levels, supporting blood vessel function, and managing blood pressure.

    • Inflammation Reduction: The omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants in hemp seeds have anti-inflammatory properties that may help reduce inflammation in the body.

    • Skin Health: Hemp seeds' omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids can support skin health by maintaining moisture, promoting elasticity, and reducing the appearance of dryness and irritation.

    • Improved Digestion: The fiber content in hemp seeds can aid in digestion and promote a healthy gut by supporting regular bowel movements.

    • Weight Management: The combination of protein, healthy fats, and fiber in hemp seeds can help control appetite and support weight management efforts.

    • Plant-Based Nutrition: Hemp seeds are a plant-based source of important nutrients, making them a versatile addition to vegetarian and vegan diets.

    • Allergen-Friendly: Hemp seeds are often well-tolerated and are less likely to cause allergies compared to some other seeds and nuts.

    • Easy to Incorporate: Hulled hemp seeds have a mild, nutty flavor and can be easily added to various dishes, such as smoothies, yogurt, salads, and baked goods.

  • Turmeric

    • Anti-Inflammatory Properties: Curcumin, the active compound in turmeric, has strong anti-inflammatory effects that can help reduce inflammation in the body.

    • Antioxidant Rich: Turmeric contains powerful antioxidants that combat oxidative stress and protect cells from damage caused by free radicals.

    • Joint Health: Turmeric's anti-inflammatory properties may contribute to improved joint health and reduced symptoms in conditions like arthritis.

    • Heart Health: Curcumin can support heart health by improving blood vessel function, reducing cholesterol levels, and promoting overall cardiovascular wellness.

    • Brain Health: Curcumin's antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties may have potential benefits for brain health, supporting cognitive function and reducing the risk of neurodegenerative diseases.

    • Digestive Health: Turmeric can aid digestion by promoting the production of digestive enzymes and reducing symptoms of indigestion.

      Potential Cancer Prevention: Some studies suggest that curcumin might have protective effects against certain types of cancer due to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

    • Immune System Support: Curcumin's immunomodulatory effects may help enhance the immune system's ability to fight off infections and illnesses.

    • Skin Health: Turmeric's anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties may promote healthy skin by reducing skin irritation and protecting against damage.

    • Liver Health: Curcumin may support liver function by aiding in detoxification processes and promoting overall liver health.

    • Weight Management: Turmeric's potential to improve metabolism and support fat loss could contribute to weight management efforts.

    • Diabetes Management: Some research suggests that curcumin may help regulate blood sugar levels and improve insulin sensitivity.

    • Natural Pain Relief: Turmeric's anti-inflammatory effects can offer natural pain relief for conditions like headaches and muscle soreness.

    • Mood Enhancement: Curcumin's potential to support brain health may contribute to improved mood and reduced symptoms of depression.

    • Anti-Bacterial and Anti-Viral: Turmeric's compounds may have protective effects against certain bacteria and viruses.

  • Ginger

    • Anti-Inflammatory Properties: Ginger contains compounds that have strong anti-inflammatory effects, which can help reduce inflammation in the body.

    • Digestive Aid: Ginger can aid digestion by promoting the production of digestive enzymes, reducing bloating, and soothing gastrointestinal discomfort.

    • Nausea Relief: Ginger is well-known for its ability to alleviate nausea and vomiting, making it effective for motion sickness, morning sickness during pregnancy, and chemotherapy-induced nausea.

    • Anti-Nausea: Ginger can help alleviate nausea and vomiting related to pregnancy, motion sickness, and medical treatments like chemotherapy.

    • Pain Relief: The anti-inflammatory compounds in ginger may provide natural pain relief for conditions like osteoarthritis and menstrual cramps.

    • Heart Health: Ginger's antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties may contribute to improved heart health by reducing cholesterol levels and promoting healthy blood pressure.

    • Immune System Support: Ginger's immune-boosting properties can help enhance the body's defenses against infections.

    • Anti-Bacterial and Anti-Viral: Ginger's compounds have shown potential against certain bacteria and viruses.

    • Blood Sugar Regulation: Some research suggests that ginger may help regulate blood sugar levels and improve insulin sensitivity.

    • Anti-Cancer Properties: Certain components in ginger have been studied for their potential to inhibit the growth of cancer cells and support cancer prevention.

    • Respiratory Health: Ginger's anti-inflammatory effects may help soothe respiratory issues, including coughs, colds, and asthma symptoms.

    • Brain Health: Emerging research suggests that ginger's antioxidants and bioactive compounds may have neuroprotective effects, potentially supporting brain health.

    • Weight Management: Ginger's potential to increase metabolism and reduce appetite could contribute to weight management efforts.

    • Pregnancy Support: Ginger can help relieve nausea and vomiting during pregnancy without adverse effects on the baby.

    • Anti-Oxidant: The antioxidants in ginger help protect cells from oxidative stress and damage.

    • Circulation: Ginger's compounds may promote healthy blood circulation and cardiovascular function.

    • Mood Enhancement: Some studies suggest that ginger's compounds could have mood-enhancing effects.

    • Arthritis Relief: Ginger's anti-inflammatory properties may provide relief for symptoms of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

    • It's important to remember that individual responses to ginger can vary, and while it offers many potential benefits, it's a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional before making significant changes to your diet, especially if you have underlying health conditions or are taking medications.

Vitamin Supplements containing B, C, D, Zinc, Magnesium and Omega3

  • B Vitamins

    • Energy Production: B vitamins, particularly B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B5 (pantothenic acid), B6 (pyridoxine), B7 (biotin), B9 (folate), and B12 (cobalamin), are key players in converting food into energy by aiding in the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.

    • Nervous System Support: B vitamins are essential for maintaining a healthy nervous system. They contribute to the production of neurotransmitters that regulate mood and cognitive function.

    • Brain Health: Vitamin B6, B9 (folate), and B12 are particularly important for brain health, supporting memory, concentration, and preventing cognitive decline.

    • Heart Health: Vitamin B6, B9 (folate), and B12 help regulate levels of homocysteine, an amino acid linked to heart disease. Adequate B vitamin intake can support cardiovascular health.

    • Red Blood Cell Formation: Vitamin B6, B9 (folate), and B12 are necessary for the production of red blood cells, which carry oxygen throughout the body.

    • DNA Synthesis and Repair: Vitamin B9 (folate) and B12 are crucial for DNA synthesis and repair, making them essential for cell growth and division.

    • Skin Health: B vitamins contribute to healthy skin by supporting collagen production and preventing skin issues like dermatitis.

    • Hair and Nail Health: Biotin (B7) is known for promoting healthy hair and nails.

    • Digestive Health: B vitamins support digestive health by aiding in the breakdown of food and promoting optimal nutrient absorption.

    • Mood Regulation: B vitamins, particularly B6, B9 (folate), and B12, are important for maintaining a balanced mood and preventing mood disorders.

    • Immune Function: Vitamin B6 and B12 contribute to immune system function by supporting the production and activity of immune cells.

    • Metabolism and Weight Management: B vitamins are involved in metabolism and can help regulate appetite, aiding in weight management efforts.

    • Hormone Regulation: B vitamins play a role in hormone synthesis and balance, affecting various bodily functions.

    • Cardiovascular Health: Vitamin B3 (niacin) has been shown to improve cardiovascular health by raising "good" HDL cholesterol and supporting overall heart function.

    • Eye Health: B vitamins, such as B2 (riboflavin), contribute to maintaining healthy vision and protecting against conditions like cataracts.

    • Prenatal Health: Adequate intake of B vitamins, especially B9 (folate), is crucial for preventing birth defects and promoting a healthy pregnancy.

  • Vitamin C

    • Immune System Support: Vitamin C is well-known for its immune-boosting properties. It supports the production and function of immune cells, helping the body defend against infections and illnesses.

    • Antioxidant Protection: Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that helps protect cells from damage caused by free radicals. This can contribute to overall health and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.

    • Collagen Production: Vitamin C is essential for the synthesis of collagen, a protein that plays a key role in maintaining the health of skin, bones, blood vessels, and other connective tissues.

    • Wound Healing: Vitamin C promotes wound healing by aiding in the formation of new tissue and supporting the body's natural healing processes.

    • Skin Health: Vitamin C contributes to healthy skin by promoting collagen production, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and protecting against sun damage.

    • Heart Health: Some studies suggest that vitamin C may help improve heart health by reducing blood pressure, supporting blood vessel function, and reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

    • Iron Absorption: Vitamin C enhances the absorption of non-heme iron from plant-based foods, which can help prevent iron deficiency anemia.

    • Eye Health: Vitamin C plays a role in maintaining healthy eyes by protecting against age-related macular degeneration and promoting proper eye function.

    • Brain Health: Vitamin C's antioxidant properties may help protect brain cells from oxidative stress and contribute to cognitive health.

    • Stress Reduction: Vitamin C can help regulate the body's response to stress by supporting the adrenal glands and reducing the production of stress hormones.

    • Respiratory Health: Some studies suggest that vitamin C may have a protective effect against respiratory infections and help alleviate symptoms of common colds.

    • Bone Health: Vitamin C supports bone health by promoting the production of collagen, which is a critical component of bone tissue.

    • Gum Health: Adequate vitamin C intake is important for maintaining healthy gums and preventing gum disease.

    • Anti-Inflammatory Effects: Vitamin C's antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties may help reduce inflammation in the body.

    • Cancer Prevention: Some research suggests that vitamin C's antioxidant properties may contribute to cancer prevention by neutralizing harmful free radicals.

    • Improved Mood: Vitamin C plays a role in the production of neurotransmitters like serotonin, contributing to improved mood and overall well-being.

  • Vitamin D

    • Bone Health: Vitamin D is essential for maintaining strong and healthy bones by aiding in the absorption of calcium and promoting bone mineralization.

    • Immune System Support: Vitamin D plays a crucial role in supporting the immune system's response to infections and illnesses. It helps activate immune cells and modulates immune functions.

    • Mood Regulation: Vitamin D is associated with improved mood and mental well-being. It may help reduce the risk of depression and contribute to overall emotional health.

    • Heart Health: Some studies suggest that adequate vitamin D levels may help reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases by promoting healthy blood pressure, reducing inflammation, and supporting blood vessel function.

    • Cancer Prevention: Vitamin D has been linked to a reduced risk of certain cancers, such as colorectal, breast, and prostate cancers. Its role in cell regulation and immune function contributes to this protective effect.

    • Muscle Function: Adequate vitamin D levels are important for muscle strength and function. It may help improve muscle performance and reduce the risk of falls in older adults.

    • Respiratory Health: Vitamin D may contribute to lung health and respiratory function by supporting lung development and reducing the risk of respiratory infections.

    • Cognitive Health: Some research suggests that vitamin D may play a role in cognitive function and brain health, with potential benefits for memory and cognitive decline.

    • Diabetes Management: Vitamin D may play a role in improving insulin sensitivity and supporting blood sugar regulation, which can be beneficial for individuals with type 2 diabetes.

    • Bone Density: Adequate vitamin D levels are important for maintaining bone density and reducing the risk of osteoporosis.

    • Autoimmune Diseases: Some autoimmune diseases, such as multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis, have been associated with lower vitamin D levels. Vitamin D's immunomodulatory effects may contribute to managing these conditions.

    • Hormone Regulation: Vitamin D plays a role in hormone regulation, including the production of hormones that affect mood, sleep, and overall well-being.

    • Skin Health: Limited sun exposure, a source of vitamin D, is important for maintaining healthy skin. Vitamin D may contribute to reducing skin inflammation and promoting skin health.

    • Weight Management: Some studies suggest that vitamin D may play a role in weight management by regulating appetite and promoting fat metabolism.

    • Improved Gut Health: Vitamin D is believed to support gut health by influencing gut barrier integrity and the balance of gut bacteria.

  • Zinc

    • Immune System Support: Zinc plays a vital role in supporting the immune system's function, including immune cell development and function.

    • Wound Healing: Zinc is essential for wound healing and tissue repair, as it helps with cell division and growth.

    • Skin Health: Zinc contributes to maintaining healthy skin by supporting collagen production and aiding in the treatment of various skin conditions, such as acne.

    • Antioxidant Protection: Zinc has antioxidant properties that help protect cells from oxidative stress and damage caused by free radicals.

    • Hormone Regulation: Zinc is involved in the regulation of hormones, including those related to growth, reproduction, and thyroid function.

    • Cognitive Function: Some research suggests that zinc may play a role in cognitive function and memory, supporting overall brain health.

    • Sense of Taste and Smell: Zinc is crucial for maintaining a healthy sense of taste and smell.

    • Digestive Health: Zinc supports digestion by aiding in the production of stomach acid and enzymes necessary for proper digestion.

    • Metabolism: Zinc contributes to various metabolic processes, including energy production, protein synthesis, and carbohydrate metabolism.

    • Hair and Nail Health: Adequate zinc intake is important for maintaining healthy hair and nails.

  • Magnesium

    • Muscle Function: Magnesium plays a key role in muscle contraction and relaxation, making it essential for muscle function and preventing muscle cramps.

    • Bone Health: Magnesium is important for bone health, as it supports bone density and helps regulate calcium levels.

    • Heart Health: Magnesium contributes to cardiovascular health by helping regulate heart rhythm, supporting blood vessel function, and reducing the risk of heart disease.

    • Nervous System Support: Magnesium helps regulate nerve function and transmission, contributing to healthy nerve signaling.

    • Energy Production: Magnesium is involved in energy production by helping convert food into energy and supporting ATP synthesis.

    • Sleep Quality: Magnesium can promote relaxation and improve sleep quality by interacting with neurotransmitters involved in sleep regulation.

    • Stress Reduction: Magnesium can help regulate the body's response to stress and promote relaxation.

    • Digestive Health: Magnesium supports healthy digestion by aiding in muscle contractions and promoting regular bowel movements.

    • Blood Sugar Regulation: Magnesium plays a role in insulin sensitivity and glucose metabolism, contributing to blood sugar regulation.

    • Hormone Regulation: Magnesium is involved in the regulation of hormones, including those related to stress and metabolism.

  • Omega3

    • Heart Health: Omega-3 fatty acids, particularly EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), are known for their heart-protective effects. They can help lower triglycerides, reduce blood pressure, and support overall cardiovascular health.

    • Anti-Inflammatory Properties: Omega-3s have strong anti-inflammatory effects that can help reduce chronic inflammation in the body. This is beneficial for preventing and managing inflammatory conditions such as arthritis and autoimmune diseases.

    • Brain Health: DHA, a type of omega-3 fatty acid, is a crucial component of brain tissue. Adequate omega-3 intake supports cognitive function, memory, and mood regulation. It may also reduce the risk of neurodegenerative diseases.

    • Eye Health: Omega-3s, especially DHA, contribute to maintaining healthy vision by supporting the structure of the retina and reducing the risk of age-related macular degeneration.

    • Healthy Pregnancy: Omega-3s are important for fetal brain and eye development. They can contribute to a healthy pregnancy and may reduce the risk of preterm birth.

    • Joint Health: Omega-3s' anti-inflammatory properties can help reduce joint pain and stiffness in conditions like rheumatoid arthritis.

    • Skin Health: Omega-3 fatty acids support skin health by maintaining hydration, reducing inflammation, and promoting skin barrier function.

    • Mood Regulation: Omega-3s are associated with improved mood and reduced risk of depression. They play a role in the production of neurotransmitters that regulate mood and emotions.

    • Immune System Support: Omega-3s have immune-modulating effects that can enhance the body's defense against infections and support immune responses.

    • Reduced Risk of Chronic Diseases: Omega-3s' anti-inflammatory and heart-protective effects may contribute to a reduced risk of chronic diseases, including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and certain cancers.

    • Improved Blood Flow: Omega-3s can help improve blood vessel function and promote healthy blood circulation.

    • Bone Health: Some research suggests that omega-3 fatty acids may contribute to maintaining bone density and reducing the risk of osteoporosis.

    • Exercise Performance: Omega-3s may enhance exercise performance by reducing inflammation, supporting muscle recovery, and improving cardiovascular function.

    • Cognitive Development in Infants: Adequate omega-3 intake during pregnancy and infancy is associated with improved cognitive development in infants.

    • Cancer Prevention: Some studies suggest that omega-3s' anti-inflammatory properties may contribute to cancer prevention by reducing the growth of cancer cells.

This combined with Physiotherapy, Breathing Practices, Meditation, human support and therapy helps me to maintain and balance good health.

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