Calls for Access to Medicinal Cannabis to Improve Mental Health - a Letter to Matt Keogh MP

Derek Pyrah, a returned serviceman from the Iraq war, has penned a heartfelt letter to Minister Keogh MP, the Minister of Veterans Affairs in Australia. In the letter, Derek advocates for better access to authorized Medicinal Cannabis (MC) treatments for veterans struggling with PTSD and the side effects of polypharmacy.

Current Policy is clearly Failing Veterans, the Department of Veterans Affairs' (DVA) policy on MC is failing veterans, especially those in regional areas. Many veterans with chronic conditions are prescribed multiple high-dose pharmaceuticals, leading to a range of severe and long term side effects.

Derek highlights that some psychiatrists and GPs are prescribing MC for PTSD, resulting in reduced symptoms and fewer pharmaceuticals for veterans. However, the DVA often rejects these prescriptions due to a “lack of evidence”, leading to the continued use of harmful pharmaceuticals.

The Australian National Institute of Health and National Library of Medicine have extensive information on the Endocannabinoid System, yet Doctors and Specialists are still reporting there is no evidence.

Derek calls for better education for DVA policy makers, doctors, and specialists regarding the benefits of MC and the Endocannabinoid System. He emphasizes that MC can reduce the need for multiple pharmaceuticals and improve veterans' overall well-being.

He also raises concerns about the discrimination and stigma faced by veterans who use MC. Some are turned away from veterans' organizations, told not to use MC, and even have the police called on them.

There is clear disparity between the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) approving MC for conditions like anxiety, depression, and PTSD for the general population while the DVA denies access to disabled veterans, forcing them onto potentially harmful pharmaceuticals.

Derek Pyrah's letter is a heartfelt plea for change in the way the DVA approaches mental health treatment for veterans. He emphasizes the urgent need for a more compassionate and holistic approach to care. The call for better access to MC for veterans has sparked a crucial conversation about mental health care in the veteran community. Share your thoughts and support for this important issue.

View the letter Here


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